Sunday, November 27, 2011


hardy har har har


Okay so after having a very festive weekend of both making christmas ornaments and a wreath as well as constantly listening to christmas music I am officially supar pysched. Here are the things that we must do over break...
  • Gift exchange of some sort
  • Caroling
  • Zoo lights
  • Fancy dinner party made entirely by us
  • Pittock mansion
  • Peacock lane
  • Get stuck at one of houses due to snow
  • Go to the mountain for winter fun
  • Santa picture
  • Party hard
  • Kick ass and take names
  • (if I forgot anything feel free to add to this list)
Hope you guys are as excited as I am. Sophia I know you'll be gone but hopefully you can participate in some things with us.
Love you guys as always...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Frodo...don't wear the ring. (it wouldn't be the right thing)

So me and my fam watched Lord of The Rings last night (Thanksgiving tradish) and it was really cool and we were all getting really into it and my dad was like "Wow SHADOWFAX you're the greatest, you're sooo awesome" and it was lovely. And I was just thinking about how cool it would be if the four of us went on a really epic adventure and someone played the fiddle as we walked through waving fields of barley. We could eat those strange pieces of bread that are wrapped up in big leaves and we wouldn't have to wear shoes. And we could befriend Viggo Mortensen and he could be like, "Gentlemen! We do not stop 'till night fall." And then he could be like, "We have time. Everyday Frodo moves closer to Mordor." And we'd be like "ahmagad, Aragorn, you saaa cool." AREN'T YOU GLAD YOUR MY FRIENDS? But real talk, we should make this happen.


Friday, November 11, 2011



Eleven to the Third Power

Hello young things,

Today is 11/11/11 and so I thought I should document it somehow. Please mind the number of posts this year... we're getting dangerously close to 69 and t'would be a shame to miss that without acknowledging it. Anyway, I'm enjoying the days off so far. I went to Matt's play, Ablaze and it was SO. GOOD. It was so beautifully done and scary, and haunting, and funny, and sad, and SCARY and beautiful. The singing was fantastic. At the end I decided to initiate some school bonding and we all ran out to meet the Wilson kids. It was funny cause the Lincoln kids clumped on one end and then there was the Wilson kids on the other and a 3 foot gap between us. I pointed it out and we all laughed and started snapping our fingers like Westside Story face off. I love theatre people.

But it also got me thinking about my future. I'm so in love with theatre. Nothing gets me more excited or happier. I don't really see myself as particularly amazing at it -- it just makes me happy. I talked to Matt and he really thinks I should go into for college. He always says that you should work at something you love beyond all else and it will never feel like work. Thing is, theatre's never been apart of my plan, you know? I hate deviating from that. It's just never been on the table before and now that it is it freaks me out. Whenever I'm acting or watching a play, there isn't a doubt in my mind that theatre is what I want to do. But as soon as I sit down and rationalize about it, I find myself questioning my sanity. Theatre is so competitive and I'm going against trained professionals. I know you guys always say that I'll get in no matter what - but being realistic, this isn't a grad students project or a school play, but a career - and a fickle one at that.

I don't know... I know that in twenty years at least, I won't regret what I have done, but rather what I didn't give a chance. So I'm going to apply to the theatre schools that Matt suggested. I'll decide once I'm accepted or not.

I'm getting more and more annoyingly wistful and melancholy whenever I think of leaving. I've grown accustomed to my best friends and my routine. And breaking that pattern is down right terrifying.

Ugh. The future and stuff.

Oh, well. Time for pretty pictures.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Beautiful star with the crimson lips
And flagrant daffodil hair,
Come back, come back, in the shaking ships
O'er the much-overrated sea,
To the hearts that are sick for thee
With a woe worse than mal de mer-
O beautiful stars with the crimson lips
And the flagrant daffodil hair. -
O ship that shakes on the desolate sea,
Neath the flag of the wan White Star,
Thou bringest a brighter star with thee
From the land of the Philistine,
Where Niagara's reckoned fine
And Tupper is popular-
O ship that shakes on the desolate sea,
Neath the flag of the wan White Star.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Direct Orders to Shake the Dust

Direct Orders- Anis Mogjani

You have been given a direct order to rock the fuck out. Rock out like you were just given the last rock and roll album on earth and the minutes are counting down to flames. Rock out like you just won both showcase showdowns. Rock out like the streets are empty except for you, your bicycle and your headphones. Rock out like your lips, which are placed onto a breakdancing muse with legs that go all the way up. Rock out like you’ll never have to open a textbook again. Rock out like you get paid to disturb the peace. Rock out like music is all that you got. Rock out like you’re standing on a rooftop and the city’s as loud and glowing as a river below you. Rock out like the plane is going down, there are 120 people on board, and 121 parachutes. Rock out like the streets and the books are all on fire and the only way it can be extinguished is by doin’ the electric slide. Rock out like it’s Saturday afternoon and Monday is a national holiday. Rock out like somebody’s got a barrel pointed at your temple saying ‘Rock out like your life depended on it, fool,‘ because it does. Rock out like your eyes are fading but you still got your ears. But you don’t know for how long so rock out like 5 o’clock time, make pop-in-lot time. Rock out like you got pants full of tokens and nothing to do but everything. Rock out like you are the international ski-ball champion of the entire universe. Rock out like you just escaped an evil orphanage to join a Russian circus. Rock out like your hero is fallen and you are spinning your limbs until they burst into a burning fire of remembrance. Rock out like you’re enslaved in the south and dancing is all that you have to know who you are. Rock out like your dead grandfather just came back to take a drive with you in your new car. Rock out like the table is full. Rock out like the neighbors are away. Rock out like the walls won’t fall but, dammit, you’re going to die trying to make them. Rock out like the stereo’s volume knob is the figure 8 of infinity instead of merely numbers. Rock out like it’s raining outside and you’ve got a girl to run through it with. Rock out like you’re playing football! Football in the mud and your washing machine is not broken. Rock out like you throwing your window open on your honeymoon because you want the whole world to know what love is. Rock out like you just got a book published. Rock out like you just went to your high school reunion to find everyone, even the women, are all overweight and bald, except for the former homecoming queen, who you just found out, got divorced from her impotent husband and only has eyes for.. YOU! Rock out like you just got a date with Heidi Klum. Rock out like a shadow man passes behind you, drops you to your knees. You’re buckling in sweat, cold metal’s pushed to your forhead, the trigger’s pulled and the gun jams. Rock out like you got an empty appointment book, and a full tank of gas. Rock out like Jimi has returned carrying brand new guitar strings. Rock out like the mangos are in season. Rock out like the record player won’t skip. Rock out like this was the last weekend, like these were the last words, like you don’t ever want to forget how.

Shake the Dust- Anis Mogjani

This is for the fat girls.

This is for the little brothers.

This is for the school-yard wimps, this is for the childhood bullies who tormented them.

This is for the former prom queen, this is for the milk-crate ball players.

This is for the nighttime cereal eaters and for the retired, elderly Wal-Mart store front door greeters. Shake the dust.

This is for the benches and the people sitting upon them,

for the bus drivers driving a million broken hymns,

for the men who have to hold down three jobs simply to hold up their children,

for the nighttime schoolers and the midnight bike riders who are trying to fly. Shake the dust.

This is for the two-year-olds who cannot be understood because they speak half-English and half-god. Shake the dust.

For the girls with the brothers who are going crazy,

for those gym class wall flowers and the twelve-year-olds afraid of taking public showers,

for the kid who’s always late to class because he forgets the combination to his lockers,

for the girl who loves somebody else. Shake the dust.

This is for the hard men, the hard men who want to love but know that it won’t come.

For the ones who are forgotten, the ones the amendments do not stand up for.

For the ones who are told to speak only when you are spoken to and then are never spoken to. Speak every time you stand so you do not forget yourself.

Do not let a moment go by that doesn’t remind you that your heart beats 900 times a day and that there are enough gallons of blood to make you an ocean.

Do not settle for letting these waves settle and the dust to collect in your veins.

This is for the celibate pedophile who keeps on struggling,

for the poetry teachers and for the people who go on vacations alone.

For the sweat that drips off of Mick Jaggers’ singing lips and for the shaking skirt on Tina Turner’s shaking hips, for the heavens and for the hells through which Tina has lived.

This is for the tired and for the dreamers and for those families who’ll never be like the Cleavers with perfectly made dinners and sons like Wally and the Beaver.

This is for the biggots,

this is for the sexists,

this is for the killers.

This is for the big house, pen-sentenced cats becoming redeemers and for the springtime that always shows up after the winters.

This? This is for you.

Make sure that by the time fisherman returns you are gone.

Because just like the days, I burn both ends and every time I write, every time I open my eyes I am cutting out a part of myself to give to you.

So shake the dust and take me with you when you do for none of this has never been for me.

All that pushes and pulls, pushes and pulls for you.

So grab this world by its clothespins and shake it out again and again and jump on top and take it for a spin and when you hop off shake it again for this is yours.

Make my words worth it, make this not just another poem that I write, not just another poem like just another night that sits heavy above us all.

Walk into it, breathe it in, let is crash through the halls of your arms at the millions of years of millions of poets coursing like blood pumping and pushing making you live, shaking the dust.

So when the world knocks at your front door, clutch the knob and open on up, running forward into its widespread greeting arms with your hands before you, fingertips trembling though they may be.

 Love you guys

I wish I had a river I could skate away on

You guys we're listening to Joni Mitchell in my kitchen and for some reason (sarcasm) it made me think of you all. It's making me quite sad, but I don't know why...sad in a nice way. We should all get together and make a fire and drink tea and listen to Joni Mitchell, and sing along to all her songs. I just can't get enough of her, she is too cool. OH MY GOD I was so thirsty and I just had the most satisfying drink of milk. Wow, that was NICE. Anyway, we really need to Hodgepodge soon because it's just something that needs to happen. I must eat dinner now.