Friday, November 11, 2011

Eleven to the Third Power

Hello young things,

Today is 11/11/11 and so I thought I should document it somehow. Please mind the number of posts this year... we're getting dangerously close to 69 and t'would be a shame to miss that without acknowledging it. Anyway, I'm enjoying the days off so far. I went to Matt's play, Ablaze and it was SO. GOOD. It was so beautifully done and scary, and haunting, and funny, and sad, and SCARY and beautiful. The singing was fantastic. At the end I decided to initiate some school bonding and we all ran out to meet the Wilson kids. It was funny cause the Lincoln kids clumped on one end and then there was the Wilson kids on the other and a 3 foot gap between us. I pointed it out and we all laughed and started snapping our fingers like Westside Story face off. I love theatre people.

But it also got me thinking about my future. I'm so in love with theatre. Nothing gets me more excited or happier. I don't really see myself as particularly amazing at it -- it just makes me happy. I talked to Matt and he really thinks I should go into for college. He always says that you should work at something you love beyond all else and it will never feel like work. Thing is, theatre's never been apart of my plan, you know? I hate deviating from that. It's just never been on the table before and now that it is it freaks me out. Whenever I'm acting or watching a play, there isn't a doubt in my mind that theatre is what I want to do. But as soon as I sit down and rationalize about it, I find myself questioning my sanity. Theatre is so competitive and I'm going against trained professionals. I know you guys always say that I'll get in no matter what - but being realistic, this isn't a grad students project or a school play, but a career - and a fickle one at that.

I don't know... I know that in twenty years at least, I won't regret what I have done, but rather what I didn't give a chance. So I'm going to apply to the theatre schools that Matt suggested. I'll decide once I'm accepted or not.

I'm getting more and more annoyingly wistful and melancholy whenever I think of leaving. I've grown accustomed to my best friends and my routine. And breaking that pattern is down right terrifying.

Ugh. The future and stuff.

Oh, well. Time for pretty pictures.

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