Thursday, August 25, 2011

Never ending bag of Swedish Fish

It's currently 12:23 a.m. What a long, not fun day! I worked all day on my college essay which still isn't totally finished, but I got most of it written. I'm writing it about piano. I start with an anecdote. That I made up. Because my life's not that exciting and no, I didn't meet the pianist at the Faremont Hotel in Seattle but WHO'S KEEPIN TRACK, RIIIGHT? Anyhoo I actually really like the essay. I'm still eating that bag of Swedish Fish that I bought on Friday at Whole Foods. They're still good. Isn't that interesting? I feel like I eat a couple every day, but the bag just never empties...What's that? You would like to know more about my bag of Swedish Fish? Well today's your lucky day! Hmmm let's see. Weeell...I just bit the head off of one. They're getting rather sweet and make me crave liquid such as H20 or dairy like substances you people might be inclined to call "milk". I watched a swedish movie this one time, as in two hours ago, about a girl who falls in love with this guy who drinks too much, and then she dies her hair green and turns into a mermaid and then she hangs out in this hot tub bath type thing all the time and watches the news...I didn't understand it. At all. And after I watched it I felt like I needed to take a shower. Speaking of which, I took a bath yesterday, but I washed my hair, which I don't normally do when I take baths. And it made it really soft and fluffy and nice. Yeah. I am so thirsty. Milk. Lemons. Lemonade. Oranges. Orange...ade? Eehh no I've never had Orangeade nor do I ever want to try it so DON'T TRY TO MAKE ME DRINK IT I DON'T EVEN LIKE ORANGES. Sorry. Lost my cool. Is this post annoying? I can't tell because I'm tired and have no idea what I'm saying. I'm still eating the Swedish Fish, they don't taste good anymore.
Byyeee guys I'll regret this post later. <3<3<3

Saturday, August 20, 2011

strange urges....(i intended for that to sound awkward)

So we were driving home from dinner and we passed this cool loft, and all of a sudden with the force (as in The Force)...(just kidding) of a bagillion rhinocerouseses, I felt this burning desire to dance through my house (picture spiraling staircase strung with chili lights, pictures of us and family, paintings all over the walls, really hideous but lovable grandma's-curtains couch, a moose head (....heheh...), and an abundance of random knickknacks) in only my undergarments belting Queen - without fear of judgement.

Translation: to live in my own apartment.

It was really a very strange feeling......I've never really felt a longing to live away from home before and then this just hit me like a brick.
In the face.

....In your mom's face.

............In bed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Awkward yet treasurable moments

The other day Aaron and I were watching Splice in my parents room and we were the only ones upstairs for some reason. I made some comment about Adrien Brody, like, "Ahhh look at his face he's so beautiful and god-like," and Aaron was like, "What is it that you like so much about him? Like do think he's just a really great actor or..." and I said that I mainly just thought that he was extremely attractive. So then came the innevitable question, "So does that mean you find my friend Elliott attractive?" And I got all flustered and was like, "Uhhh. Uhh. Um. Well yeah I mean he's alright...yeah. Yeah I do, I think he's very nice looking. ...Not that I'm in LOVE with him or anything I mean we HARDLY KNOW EACH OTHER. Ha. haha. Yeah." And that just made things 1000 times more awkward because I find Elliott to be quite beautiful, but I would never really want Aaron to know that...I don't know why. Anyway, so Aaron was like, "It's okay can tell me if you do. I mean I find Elliott attractive and I'm not embarassed about it." So yeah just a very awkward situation. Which lead me to believe that Aaron and Elliott may suspect that I think Elliott's attractive, probably due to the fact that I'm often staring at him for prolongued periods of time. But yes. Sorry for the triviality of this post, I'm a just a little bored.
Lurve y'all. Miss you Sophia and see you on Friday, Hailey and Fi!
Here's a nice picture.