Tuesday, January 17, 2012

weekend =] / =[

I had an absolutely wonderful weekend. Like legitimately no complaints (except the ankle but that was even fine until today). I had date night with Max on Friday after practice and we went to Por Que No on Mississippi and rented a movie and bought ice cream and just stayed in and cuddled and fell asleep til I woke up at like 1:30 and had to go home... Then Saturday after my game that I got hurt in, Cati and I went to Skyline with Evan and then back to his house and watched a movie called Paycheck and then Inception and I got to cuddle and we stayed til 3 and then Sunday we just had a lazy day and didn't really do anything and then Monday we went to the coast range with Evan, Jared and my mom and went sledding (I didn't really cause of my ankle) but we had a snowball fight in which I participated and made a snowman and then decided to go to the beach and walked around Cannon for like an hour... and then I slept the whole car ride back on Evan =] haha. Then today it all seemed to go downhill at 3 AM I had to go drop off Cati at the airport cause her flight was at 6 and I cried a lot, my throat was feeling super sore, I came back home and slept til 8:30 then my mom didn't want to take me to school so I just sat at home all day and did nothing productive. One good part was watching the little mermaid and drinking hot cocoa.... but then I went to my game, which I didn't get to play in, and we lost against a really bad team and it was so frustrating and I just feel like my team has lost all its confidence and are spiraling downward and I can't do anything about it now especially. And I am just angry and sad cause I'm feeling lonely cause I miss Cati and my sister already and I don't even understand why because I felt like I had a terrible day but just typing all that it doesn't seem so bad... and I don't know why I'm sad and angry and crying. Why is he dating? Love you girlies. Hopefully won't see you tomorrow (SNOW DAY) but see you soon.

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