Saturday, July 21, 2012

a completely random assortment of my current thoughts and activites.

This morning I had a riding lesson that--like most riding lessons-- I was not particularly looking foreward to because I usually leave the barn bored, sweaty and seemingly unfullfilled in terms of my everlasting desire to gallop freely into the sunset. This morning, however, Bekki told me to get out my jumping saddle which I haven't ridden in since I didn't have boobs. It was so nice because it weighs about 1,000 pounds less than our dressage saddle and it's much prettier and smells like old leather. We didn't actually end up jumping during the lesson, but we did have the whole lesson outside cantering up big hills, so close enough. It was so lovely and the sun was out but it wasn't too hot, just perfect riding weather. So yes. That happened. Then I went home and took a shower so my hair got all fluffy. So fluffy, in fact, I'm going to die. (ha.) I wanted to get a milkshake but Sam had the car so I sat in my yard up by the blueberry bushes and listened to music and read some magazines. Then I thought I'd go for a walk in my woods which was the best part of my day because while I was walking, I was listening to music and Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie came on my iPod which is Bob Dylan reading this really really long poem he wrote for Woody Guthrie, all about not knowing where to go or what to do, but being challenged by all these big ticket items and people who sort of trample on people who mind their own business and when the poem ended I started to head back to my house, but I realized I was totally lost. Really, I had no idea how I had gotten that far out and I wasn't sure which direction was the way home, so I started to get kind of scared but then I thought, 'Wait, this is like what I think about all the time!' I always fantasize about getting lost in the woods and just lying down and not caring what time it is, but when it actually happened I got scared. So realizing this, I started walking and eventually I saw the yellow paint of my house behind the trees. And it was so much nicer getting home and not being releived or nervous. Yeah... When I got home I went up to my room and--literally--out of nowhere--literally--I went online to check facebook, but instead I googled "the best way to poach an egg." I have no idea what promted my mind to be filled with this particular piece of knowledge and i'm not sure I ever will. But I wrote it down in a notebook and then I started looking up other things like the best way to hard boil an egg and how to know if a piece of meat is too rare, etc. So I wrote that all down and now when we liveeeee togetherrrr I'll have all this handy information so we can cook things correctlyyyyyyyy.

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