Sunday, November 7, 2010


okay... so I'm not going to lie here.... but I think I have a problem. I am totally obsessed with love. Not like I'm goint to go run off and make the next guy I talk to date me so I can have that sort of companionship but yeah... obsessed.
I love people that are in love, or should be in love, or even dating because they may be in love (not everyone only the ones that I like as people and that are cute together).
I love movies about love, people falling in love, realizing love, all those romantic comedies that end in the same way everytime but always just make me super jealous.
I love books about love: Its so discriptive and wonderful and lovely, even the corny ones make me happy.
I love (most) songs about love. If they're written well and have a good message about love I will listen to them over and over and over again. They often make me cry. Songs just about lovers, or the feeling, or the act. The song Faithfully by Journey gives me shivers and makes me want to cry becuase I want someone to write a song like that for me- how they will be forever with you and always faithful... jealous.
I love people who tell me they love me. There is something very powerful about that phrase- especially when people mean it that makes you smile and feel warm on the inside- kind of like a kiss- which is probably why I give so many kisses is because they make me happy and I want other people to feel happy too...

Basically I want to grow up so that I can fall in love. I don't want to be desparate and dive into the first chance I get- but I want to get out of highschool where relationships become more serious and I can experience love first hand- not just love from family and friends- I hate those movies that I love because everytime I watch one I'm all like -"oh my gosh I should completely go to ireland and meet some guy that's super mean to me at first but we end up falling in love" or "I should go to california or a camp all summer where I'll meet the love of my life and we'll likve happily forever together" but alas those are all proposterous and ridiculous ideas that I feel would be a waste of time.... nevertheless those movies always make me think stuff like that.

I don't know if it's just part of being a girl or if I'm just weird but I really want to fast forward through life where I meet the love of my life and where we have a family and grow old together. But since I know that's not possible I really want to live out everyday, but always keep my eyes open for love. Try it out, experiment, but never dive in too quickly.

As for right now in this moment in my life I really love all of you guys. You make it a lot easier for me and even though I feel at times we are being pushed apart by schedules and school, I want you guys to know that I will always always remember you and I will always try my hardest to keep in touch- and most definately invite you to my wedding. =] Thank you guys so much and sorry I'm so busy all the time and such a flake because of my schedule. I can't wait til we get together someday soon and really just talk for like hours straight. I have so much to tell you and want to hear your stories too.

I love you all of you so so much.


  1. I love you :)
    that was so sweet.
    we should all hang out on thursday!

  2. I love you so much, guys! This actually made me cry.
