Monday, February 28, 2011


For this 1940's fashion project I had to do for design workshop, I thought it would be nice if I gave a little quiz at the end of my presentation and threw out candy to the little ones in my class. However, since I was already using actual clothing and pictures for my visuals, it was a pretty long presentation. So, after much debate with inner concious, I decided that the candy was no longer necessary. Too bad I already asked my mom a few days ago if she would buy a bag or two of candy from the grocery store. I forgot to tell her that I didn't need it anymore and WOOPS now I have like 4,000 bags of individualy wrapped chocolate easter eggs in my posession. Chocolate eggs...excellent choice, mom. Anyways. There are about 1,265 of them currently in my stomache. I'm a little hyper. Like a hyperbola. A hyperbola is a graph that goes in four different directions. Isn't that NIFTY!!?

I have minimal homework. I'm going to eat more candy. You should be worried.