Saturday, September 29, 2012

douchebags and tools

Nay I totally understand what you're talking about - that was really well put. I think I've taken an my tendency to observe to an extreme since I've been here. I watch students on the street instead of joining them. I go to bookstores and coffee shops alone. I like it when I'm alone where I can watch people. Sometimes I think that I should learn to participate in the world around me but that's sometimes difficult for me to do. The people here are bizarre. The Student Union is just a bar, and there are pre-gaming activities arranged by the dorm and the adults just come and have a drink with the students. And people don't tend to go out on weekends - only weekdays and especially Wednesday. It's just all so weird and forign to me. It's feels strange to go out on pub crawls and play drinking games to disney movies but well...when in rome... I have made some really good friends though - not a lot mind you. Just good ones. We decided that we would all share a flat next year. Of course, this was decided after many vodka and cranberries had transpired and we had just finished singing Mr. Brightside whilt hugging... but I may just hold them to it. One of my favorite passtimes, though, is making fun of the rich people. There are so many of them it's rediculous. Just douchebags EVERYWHAH. There's this guy from Micheal from New York who is loaded and ALL HE TALKS ABOUT is how he got SO WASTED the night before and MADE OUT WITH IS ACADEMC SISTER but he STILL LOVES HIS GIRL FRIEND. Haha, and my friend Sarah afterward is always like "Oh my god. We're in europe. no one cares" I've decided that one of my least favorite things in the world is hearing about other people's drunk nights. They're mostly Americans who do it. I don't care if they give a quick summary but MAN some people go into detail. If I wasn't there I really don't want to know. But people just drink all the time here so it's hard to avoid the annoying 18 year old American babbling about making out with his sister. My classes are tough but mostly because most of it takes place outside of the classroom. We have a few lectures and tutorials. And hundreds of pages of reading to do. It's like Snyder and then some but for 3 classes. I miss you all rediculously and home a little bit but everything here is still passing in such a blur and I'm just trying to catch up. I'm going on a weekend trip to Glencoe with my academic mother and some of her friends. It should be fun :) Soon we must skype and all will be good.

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