Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I don't know

This is completely irrelevant to anything about anything, but I thought it was a really cool picture. It's from Tavi's blog YOU SHOULD ALL READ IT! http://www.thestylerookie.com/ it rocks!

Girl in top picture is Tavi. She's very kitschy, but she rocks too.


  1. i think shes kind of fantastic. but i wonder HOW IN THE FLARPING WORLD does she have time to do all that? you know, make "mood boards", plan outfits, take pictures, write about them...i mean really. maybe she's a insomniac. or maybe she's insane. she's someone i'd like to have lunch with. even though she's possibly crazy. har har.

  2. when she does videoS and stuff and you hear her talk, she just seems like a regular person, just with ADD and she never stops talking about candy... haha yeah she'd be an awesome person to have lunch with :) we should go to Chicago and find out where she lives and be like. "COME WITH US WE'RE BUYING YOU A SANDWICH. OR WE WILL HURT YOU."
