Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sit down you're rockin the boat

Heylo! I just watched Guys and Dolls for the first time and it was really good. It made me really happy =] plus I decided I really really like the name Adelaide.. or like Adelay or something... Addy... I don't know I like it. Hope you guys are doing well and arn't too stresed over finals. They'll be fine... and we can look forward to Friday =] which will be a jolly goood time.
p.s. I'm bringing cookies sometime this week
Love you all =]


  1. Si vamos a hacer algo el viernes! we could all hang out until you guys have basketball and/or soph has rehearsal, and then sleep over at someone's casa? tal vez?

  2. si xq terminamos con examanes a las 12:30 pero no se a que hora tengo practica.... Pero.... ustedes pueden dormir en mim casa =] si quieren

  3. rehersalio va a terminar a las 9:30 effe mi vida

  4. Je ne comprende pas votre espagnol, mais j'ai une classe semedi matin. Donc, je peux passer de temps, mais je ne peux pas dormir plus

  5. Hahah I just spent like 2 mins trying to read that in spanish....

  6. HAhahaha ME TOO!
    and then realized that elaina doesn't speak spanish...and felt foolish...

  7. It is spanish. I guess i'm just waaaay too advanced. ...haha. not funny elaina.
