Saturday, January 15, 2011


Hello my dears.

I don't know about you guys, but I am reaching a complete and utter OVERLOAD. It's just too much. Life is reaching it's limit. So feel free to skim through my ranting in this next paragraph.

Okay. So. Let's begin with homework shall we? It looks like I'll be writing an english paper -- like an ENTIRE english paper (my outline is shit) -- and making a spanish presentation, and finishing my TOK project, and studying for finals, and studying biology and AHHHHRRG. It's soooo ridiculous. LIKE ACTUALLY RIDICULOUS. I'M LAUGHING RIGHT NOW. HA. HA HA HA HA.


But I've been busy in good ways too. I hung out with Natalie and Annie today which was a blast. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle all this theatre stuff and life and school. It's so difficult. All I really want to do is just sit and do nothing is the problem. I just have NOO motivation. High school suuuuuucks.

In rehearsal today, it was kind of slow... but I did find out that I get to be brutally murdered! Everyone was pretty excited about it -- except me. Gaah. The thing the scene is that we're all (me, my boyfriend, and my friend) tied and gaged -- and then the main character is about to kill us. He kills my boyfriend first and bati and I are supposed to start screaming bloody murder because we know we're next. It seems so SO so SO scary. Matt was like, you need to feel like the people do when they're in a shooting and they can't escape -- it seems like the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced -- er, not really experienced because it doesn't actually happen.

I'm watching Disney channel movies right now. It sucks. I suck. I'm tired. I have too much stress and homework and lines and people to deal with. MAN. I miss the days when I came home, did homework for an hour and then sat in my chair and just read books. Like the cool kat I really am. All this social butterfly crap is just too much to handle. I say back to the complete loner days. The good life.

I was having a discussion with my a bug in my room this morning. He was buzzing around my room. I was explaining to him just how easy he had it. I mean c'mon! He's born, an hour later he's past the awkward hodgepodge years of adolescence! I mean, he doesn't even need to go though high school.

On a closing note, A Whole New World is about having sex.

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