Monday, November 26, 2012

EEEP winter break eep

Yesterday my Dad and I were looking in the paper for used Volvo's (The older ones that you see errywhere in Portland) and we found one that I like! It is a sort of dusty blue color. Sam and I get to have our own cars since we possibly might not be going to the same school next year and such. So YAY! I'm getting it at the end of the school year. I've been having a series of summertime premonitions today, maybe because it's sunny out (but still cold). I'm not sure what exactly I'll be doing this summer but I have a feeling it's going to be a good one. In the meantime, I actually cannot wait for winter break. What's best--other than all of us being together of course--is that since we're going into a new semester of classes, there will be no homework wooo. So we can just relax and have amazing adventures in da snow. Hailey, what time is your basketball game/where? I'm so excited to see you plaaaay. I'll make a nice lil' sign juss 4 u. GAH IM SO EXCITED TO BE ALL TOGETHER AGAIN. We should really try and have that dinner party. We can have in the barn if y'all want and it will be like we have our own house. I just miss you all so much.
Love Elaina

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