Wednesday, November 7, 2012

my night of pie-eating pot-smoking and dream-pop music listening

So my day could have been a lot better. I had my rough draft of my english essay due which I finished throwing together at about 1:30 last night. I slept through my alarm so I didn't have time for breakfast and I was just feeling sort of off, you know those days? To top it all off, when I got back from french class--my last class of the day on Wednesdays--I sunk down in my chair and checked my email, planning on spending the remainder of the day watching Wallace & Gromit in my pajamas with a face-mask and a cup of tea. But WRONG. Because I had an email from Daniel (my music director dude) that was like, "YO so we've had like a shit ton of listening parties and you need to come to more of them cause you've only been to one. It is tonight at my house, at 7." Upon reading this I was so frustrated I couldn't stand it because all I wanted to do was relax for the rest of the day. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it because the last listening party I went to (OH yes so listening parties--technically--are where the dj's meet and listen to the new albums that come in on rotation each week and give feedback and shit. Mainly though everyone just sits around and smokes a lot of weed.) was really awkward for me because there were a ton of people there who I didn't really know and I just felt really uncomfortable. But I figured I kind of had to go to this one. When I got to Daniel's house there were only a few people there--some of them I recognized as DJ's and some were his house-mates...everyone there seemed to be involved in the station though. They were sitting in a circle in his tiny living room on the couch and in comfy-looking chairs, so I sat down in an empty chair and waited for more people to get there but only two other girls showed up. So it was me, Daniel, his house mate, Matt the electronic music director, Carson (dont actually know what he does but he's real cute) and these two other girl dj's. We figured we'd get started since it was already 7:15. And it was actually so relaxed and fun, everyone there was so cool! We just listened to the rotation albums and talked about them and talked about our shows...Daniel was being super nice and told everyone there that my show was really good and he was like, "Do you think your show's gonna keep its same sort of vibe next semester?" And this made me happy because you have to re-apply and get hired again each semester, so that basically meant that he was going to hire me again which is really nice. When we were about half-way through the albums (we only listen to one or two tracks from each album) Daniel just all of a sudden was like, "I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE DIDN'T SHOW UP." and Matt was like, "Don't feel bad, they are missing out." and he was like, "Yeah except I have this CD that I was gonna give out after this little contest I was gonna do but there is like no one here." (for the record, it was a signed copy of a Tennis CD which is why this next thing pained me a little inside) So long story short, we decided to burn the CD in rebellious fury. It was SO. SATISFYING. but also a little sad. For me. Because I totally would have loved to have that CD. Anyway. After this we continued listening to rotation and Daniel turned to one of the girl DJ's and was like, "Oh wait you made a PIE, didn't you! Completely forgot. Let's get stoned and eat your pie." So the rest of the listening party consisted of these activities, and it was really mellow and I felt really comfortable with everyone there. It was also nice becuase even though I was the only freshman there, they didn't treat me like I was younger than them which I appreciated. At like 9:00, full from lemon-meringue pie and pleasantly stoned, I headed back to campus. I walked with this girl who is a Sophomore and turns out that she really (really) loves Elliott Smith. And she's not just any ol' fan, she's like MEEEE so that was a pleasant walk back, filled with squealing and gushing over Elliott. And that was my night! I'm happy that I get to look forweward to Wednesday evenings from now on. Right now it's only like 9:50 hehe. But I'm glad because now I can fulfill my dreams from earlier and watch Wallace & Gromit in my pajamas, but this time, in a better mood. yay. Sorry if this post is rambly and such, you see, I am still stoned. Love and miss you all so dearly and truly. <3

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD (read that in kate's voice from united states of tara) i love hearing about your experiences, they sound so perfectly imperfect and collegey, you know what i mean? real guud. i miss you so, dearly.
