Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ramblings in Medieval History Lecture...

Hmmmm posts!! I love LOVE hearing from you guys even if it is just a sentence or two. Nay, that party sounds so nice. And now even if it is really crowded next time you'll have a group of people to hand out with. Nice feeling  :)
SO I stayed up all night for the election (which you guys will appreciate knowing I've never done that before and my appreciation for sleep) and had went for a run and the morning AND the gym cause I 'had so much energy' (what?). I decided to take a nap at 3pm and woke up at 8 the next morning. Hmmm looong sleep. But with lovely romantic dreams so it was all good!
I'm going to a Belated Halloween party tonight so I'll tell you how my costume (Lennie) gets received. And then I'm having a Snake horror movie night with paul tomorrow which should be funny. Ahhhh too many social engagements.... I'm actually struggling. I'm with you nay, mostly all I wanted to do was just read  or watch TV. OR EVEN DO HOMEWORK. which i haven't done in a really long time even though I have to cause Sara IS COMING THIS WEEKEND WITH JOAN OMG. Can't wait to show her around the town and my friends :) :)
Miss everyone - better start paying attention - cute scottish lecturer just said sex... Attention = caught

<3 bai

1 comment:

  1. OMGOMGOMGOGMOGMG take pictures with sara PLEASE. her hair is looking fantastic lately. also, i want to know more about paul. tell us things.
