Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My lyfe now.

Ugh yeah I've been bad and haven't been posting, though I've written some things in like a word document to post. But they were all long stories and I forgot that these could just be short and sweet.
Here's my life now

  • registration was today and I'm taking chem again even though I hated it. I figure I can always drop it if everything goes to shit in that class.
  • Basketball is getting better. My Achilles isn't hurting anymore and they told me that I was probably the best defender on the team and that if I learned to handle the ball better I'd be a really good all around player. We have a scrimmage tonight and leave for California in a week and a half for our first games (AH!!) 
  • It might snow here on Friday even though it was 70 degrees yesterday
  • I like my BOYfriend a lot (which is just so weird to say and think and yeah we've basically been together a month and a half because nothing has really changed but still... super weird for me)
  • I'm an anxiously waiting replies from letters I sent. I got Sophia's today.... 
  • Fall is beautiful here I'll see if I can post some pictures 
  • Kelsey got really drunk the other night and I missed it because I went to bed at 10:30 because I was stressed and felt sick. So that sucked. 
  • I got to sing a CHRISTMAS song in chorale on Monday which just made my whole life and day and year because now I have an excuse to sing Christmas music before thanksgiving. Yay
  • I'm working hard at getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night 4 days a week because I've been really sleep deprived lately and its causing me to be forever and always sick which is just sucky. So yeah-- trying to do that and be better at doing my homework. 
  • I love you all and miss you very very much.


  1. Just sent your letter the other day so it should arrive very soon! yaay

  2. love dis, love you. i told i received your letter right? im in the middle of writing yours, will send it off soon.
