Friday, February 15, 2013

Problem (I can hear the bells) and THE BEST

Guys I legitimately think I have a problem. I have legitimately been looking at wedding stuff way too much lately. That stupid site pinterest got me started on it. Now I have like my entire wedding planned out and I know what my dress is going to look like and to make matters worse I've also only watched say yes to the dress the last two days in the hotel. I need to find a new hobby but don't really want to because its pretty fun. Anyway I hope you all had a fantastic valentines day. and thank you all for the birthday wishes. It was kind of ridiculous. I literally had the best  weekend- my favorite thus far of my time at whitman.

It started Thursday just really not having much to do and then Friday was great. We had a game that night that we won in overtime by three and it was so stressful and exciting and awesome AND because we had had four games in eight days we had both saturday and sunday off from basketball sooooo I partied and drank even though we're "technically" not supposed to because of dry season (pretty much everyone on my team who drinks went out) so I came back and just chilled for a bit and then I got ready and dressed all country-y for this hick party at one of the frats (TKE- pronouced "teak") and I went to that for a bit and danced with only Angi- you see because we were being lesbians for the night so she wouldn't go home with anyone- then I ran around for a bit trying to find girls on my basketball team. I actually ended up talking to a girl Hallie who's on my team and got to know her a little better which was really fun shes super cool and I think we'll be pretty good friends. We were trying to gather all in one place but it didn't really work out so I ended up going over the Beta  and playing some beer pong with him and dancing and then leaving and hanging out in his room til like 2 and then going to sleep.

The next day I woke up at like 9 stayed awake til 9:40 and then went back to sleep and slept til 12:30. I went to brunch with mah boizz  at the dining hall and for the rest of the day I literally don't really know what I did. I painted my nails for the night because I was going to a Mardi Gras themed party at Beta and picked out my outfit and literally waited around for like 3 hours doing nothing while my nails dried. AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN DRY ALL THE WAY BECAUSE OF THE GLITTER I STILL FUCKED THEM UP SOMEHOW. Anyway, I went out to dinner at this yummy burger place and when we got back I reallllllyyyy got ready to go out. I looked haught hawt haut too. I went to Hallie's room in a different dorm with Alyssa (the other freshman on the basketball team) and had a beer then Hallie and some of her friends and I went to Beta and I literally had the best night. I danced so much and played pong and drank yummy dranks and danced and sang to all types of music and sometime after midnight they made this huge bonfire in the backyard and we all just stood around it and talked and laughed and drank and it was so fun. We didn't get back to my room til like 2:40 but that was completely fine.

The next morning I made the rounds to wake everyone up at 10 because we were getting brunch at 11 for my birthday! They were all supposed to come and then I was surprised by FIONA WOODMAN there. It wasn't completely a surprise because I'm not that oblivious but it was still great. She came back to my room and we just visited and laughed and were loud and weird and she met my friends and compared music with Sam and all the boiz were like HOTDAMNSHESATTRACTIVE and I was like IKNOW and then we went on like a three hour walk around campus and town and went to goodwill and bought things and then later we went and watched the sunset in the wheat fields with some people and it was beautiful and spectacular and then we went to dinner at one of my favorite places called Olive and it was delicious and so girly and fun. We talked about sex a lot more than probably socially acceptable. but whatevs.... YOLO amiright? we spent the rest of the night just being really weird (normal for us) and loud and talking and giggling and laughing hysterically and I did a lil homework. At midnight I got a present and some cards for my birthday which was nice and fun and then we stayed up until 4 talking in the guys section lounge and it was great. She slept in my bed and we fit great together there (she fits with me on my twin bed quite nicely =])

The next day I had class at 10 and 11 and then met Fi for lunch at our main like student center thing where we ate chicken. Then I had class at 1 til 2:20 but she stayed and hung out with Kels and others. She left around 3 and it was sad but so fun when she was here. I'm so glad you came and saw my life at whitman Fi that was so cool and the best birthday present.
anyway afterwards everyone knew about it and had been playing birthday sex outside the door at one point which was funny but awkward when I walked back into my room and there were like 7 people just in there and it was just extraordinarily awkward and funny cause I was all flushed and my hair was a mess (actually cause I had just taken it down from a bun but none of them knew that) Anyway.... like right after that I had to go to basketball practice and all I wanted to do was sleep. it was a nice and short practice with a light lift at the end luckily because afterwards I ran back to anderson to shower and get ready for my birthday dinner that boyfriend took me to. We went to probably the nicest place in Walla Walla called Whitehouse Crawford and its in this beautiful old building that used to be the lumberyard when Walla Walla was a logging town and the restaurant was so yummy and beautiful and I had a great time and got to dress up all fancy. The only problem was I was so sleepy from my so many good days in a row that I was really out of it at dinner and kinda spacey and falling asleep so I felt really bad. when we got back to anderson, Angi had made me a cake and they sang to me and we ate it- I didn't I was so full from dinner (lamb ragu) and did just relaxed for the rest of my birthday. It was so great.

The two days after it I felt kinda sick and perpetually sick but I guess thats what you get when you have four great days in a row. Best birthday weekend ever. I'm so happy with my life right now. I'm in love with my boyfriend I have great friends and live in a beautiful place. Thank you guys for being a part of that and being so supportive and loving. Its really pretty awesome and cool. I love you. Hope you liked my story!
Love Hailey

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