Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rambly post #4

So I decided that to continue our streak I should also post a long rambly message about my life and then apologize for the ramplyness of it. But I don't think I really have anything to ramble about. I mean my body is pretty worn out from ya know... so much SEX. lawl no. its from basketball. I'm real tired and seem to have a new sore spot every day so that kinda sucks. Plus I never sleep enough. Tonight I think I'm actually going to get almost 9 hours of sleep though depending on how long this post takes for me to write and what I decide to write about.... cause I still don't know. This weekend (sunday night only actually) kinda sucked cause I stayed up til 4:30 writing two essays then fell asleep then woke up at 5:30 and wrote til 6:30 then slept til 8 and finished and edited them to be done by 10 on monday... so that blew. but luckily now the rest of this week has been super light and easy on the homework so I've been able to just sort of lounge around and relax. I still need to catch up on sleep.

I feel like I need to think more about my birthday. Everyone keeps asking me what I want to do and what I want and stuff and I have no idea and haven't really thought about it much. I am sooooooo happy because this week since we had a game tuesday night we only have one on friday and since we'll have had 4 games in 8 days we get Saturday and Sunday off so I'm bouts to break some rules of dry season (don't worry everyone pretty much on my team who drinks will they like to party) and drink some and actually go out and shturf so that should be fun. I want to go to breakfast or dinner or something with friends one of the days and do something crazy and fun. I want to look good. I want to be with my friends. I want to make something. It should be a fun weekend but we'll see what happens. I'll let you know!! (slashhhh I got myself an early birthday present-- my first thing of lingerie that I might whip out hehe)

Other newly important events coming up in my life that I'm missing out of because of basketball is valentines day... and I know its not that important but its still fun because I've never had a valentine before and i think it would be fun. But we have to leave right after practice thursday at like 6:30 and practice starts at 4 so we have class all day at different times so I'm just kinda screwed for that holiday... all well. I should still get him something and I have NO IDEA.... what do you get someone for valentines day who you've only been dating a little over four months... I could just make him delicious snacks on snacks on snacks... thats always an idea. I don't know but if you have ideas let me know please =]

Kelsey has this guy on our floor who's totallllllllyyyyy into her. Fiona met him. His name is James. Her and Clayton kinda fizzled out but yeah. She says she only has a baby crush on James but he really likes her I think. and they have been constantly together these last two weeks and there is so much flirtation going on I could barf. (speaking of... did you hear that story? Kelsey hooked up with clayton a couple weeks ago- she was semi-intoxicated... but after words she threw up allllllll over his floor and then passed out- maybe a little more than semi? hehe I think thats kinda funny and now everyone including him makes fun of her and calls her Kelsey BLEHHG) so I think that would be cool if her and James got together. I had never really thought about it but they look really good together- not awkward like clayton and her-- and I think it would work a lot better. But she's still not sure and I think thats good that she doesn't rush it and kinda figure it out on her own instead of having other people do it for her. I'll keep you updated on that too. Well I must be off to bed! Goodnight lovelies. I love you all loves. You are all spectacular and I want to see your faces and touch them with mine. yeah. kbye

p.s. sorry for the ramblyness of this post =] love you.

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